Helpline No.: +91 80598-78164
School Code: 3420
Contact No.:
+91 80598-78164
School Code:

Guidelines to Parents

1.Check your ward’s almanack daily. Do sign the remarks if any and take necessary action.
2.Check the haircut, uniform and punctuality of your ward in the morning.
3.It is always advisable to write to school about the problems of your ward or for seeking guidance. Your letters will be replied to after discussion with concerned teachers. In case of parents wanting discussion with more than one teacher, a meeting will be arranged with concerned teachers.
4.See that your ward carries books/exercise books according to the Time table for that day. No extra books are allowed.
5.See that he/she is prepared for the weekly tests. Also, see his/her Report card and the teacher’s remark in his classwork/homework exercise books and almanack. Answer scripts for weekly tests will be provided by the school on payment.
6.Encourage your ward to take a balanced interest in the studies, co-curricular activities and sports.
7.Children should not bring crackers, colours, transistors, mobile phones etc. to school. Bursting of crackers and playing with colours, mobile is liable to lead to the expulsion of the students from the school.
8.Your ward should be instructed to be careful about his/her things. There should be a name tag, bottles, shoes, blazers, sweaters etc. Expensive articles like transistors on bags. Should not be brought to the school. He/she is also not permitted to wear jewellery in the school. In case of violation of this rule, the article will be confiscated.
9.The school bears no responsibility for articles lost in the school. In case of a loss, a letter giving detail of loss may be sent to the class teacher who would extended help as far as possible.
10.If your ward is absent from school he/she must make up all the work missed by him/her.
11.If your ward is to leave the school during school hours the guardian should obtain a gate pass from the Principal. This must be presented to the class teacher at the time of leaving.


Parents may meet the following as per the schedule is given below:

·        Principal:                              All working days with prior appointment only.

·        Class teacher’s and:           On P.T.M. Meetings.      

 Subject teacher’s

Parents are requested not to go directly to the classes to meet the teachers as they will not be able to leace their classes to attend to their queries. Parents are requested not to come without prior appointment with the respective teacher.

Please note that no child may be home during school hours unless there is an emergency in which case the Principal may be contacted for permission.